Passion for posture for over 20 years
Our research and work have been presented and lauded in important congresses and symposiums in Italy and abroad.A new approach to the posture of the pelvis...
Total support of the Femurs/Pelvis/Spine relationship system (coccygeal/sacral/lumbar) of Men, Women and Children.
Balancing of the Femurs/Pelvis/Spine relationship system (coccyx, sacrum, lumbar) containment and stabilisation of the anatomy even if asymmetric.
Test Results
The distribution of the pressures fluctuates within a range of between 0,20 PSI and 3,87 PSI (9,83 mmHg and 126,79 mmHg), the coloured areas highlight the distribution of pressure peaks on the cushion. The blue area indicates a uniformly distributed area surrounding the pelvis.
Modular structure composed of a flat base of construction and independent pre-shaped inserts, assembled to fit every shape, size and morphology of the seated person.